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Editorial Guidelines

Writer’s Guidelines

Alabama Living Magazine is the publication of the 22 electric cooperatives in the state of Alabama. It is sent to more than 400,000 electric co-op members and is the largest consumer publication in the state.

Because the magazine is sent to rural regions of the state, we prefer that story submissions pertain to these areas. We do make exceptions, but generally prefer to feature people, places and events in the towns of, and of interest to, rural Alabama. We do not publish material relating to areas outside the state.

Editorial contacts:
Editor: Lenore Vickrey
(334) 215-2732, ext. 205

Managing Editor: Allison Griffin
(334) 215-2732, ext. 229
[email protected]

Manuscript Guidelines

Length: 800 – 1,500 words depending on subject matter

We prefer submissions via e-mail, which must be sent to [email protected].

Photography and Artwork Guidelines

For digital photograph submissions, we require a minimum of 300 dpi resolution.

If a submitted photo is chosen for the cover image, an additional $50 will be added to the total payment.

Payment will be made upon publication.


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