In conjunction with the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic, the Decatur Art Guild hosts an arts and crafts show at Point Mallard Park, Decatur Alabama, over Memorial Day weekend, May 25-26. Features artists and crafters from all over the Southeast. Additional activities include an antique car show, antique tractor show, the opening of the aquatic center, and of course, the main event-- hot air balloons from all over the United States! Saturday and Sunday nights features free concerts, a balloon glow and fireworks. On the midway are food trucks, merchandise and recreational vendors. For more information, see our FB page: Decatur Art Guild and the Jubilee's website: www.alabamajubilee.net
Award-winning Alabama Living is the official statewide publication of the electric cooperatives in Alabama and the largest magazine of its type in the state, reaching some 400,000 electric cooperative consumers.