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Greensboro Alabama Bicentennial Tour

June 10, 2023 --
9:00 am

Greensboro is celebrating 200 years in 2023! To honor this special time, Greensboro is hosting a tour that includes over 20 historic sites including museums, homes, churches and other places of interest. Museums include Magnolia Grove and Safe House Black Historical Museum. Churches include St. Paul's Episcopal, Greensboro Presbyterian and First Methodist. There will be over ten private homes on the tour and five other historic places of interest (Greensboro Opera House, Greensboro Hotel, Hale County Library, Noel Ramsey House and Greensboro Depot). Tickets are $25 per day or $40 for two days. Tour is self guided. Saturday's tour will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. Sunday's tour begins at 1 p.m. and ends at 5 p.m. Tickets available on Eventbrite (search Greensboro, AL) or on the day of the tours at Magnolia Grove 1002 Hobson Street.

- Greensboro


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