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Alabama Living Magazine
Mackenzie Bockhold, daughter of Don and Sandi Bockhold, members of Cullman EC, traveled to Japan where she vacationed after graduating from the chemical engineering doctoral program at Auburn University. 
Frank, a Navy veteran, and Jackie Clair from Foley, members of Baldwin EMC, had their magazine as they passed by the control tower of the Atlantic Panama Canal locks. Jackie wrote that is was “so nice to have our flag on this cover with the history of the two countries.”
Jon and Karen Drisko of Troy took South Alabama EC board member Delaney Kervin along with them when they hiked the Appalachian Trail.
Terry and Becky Hicks  of Bryant, members of Sand Mountain EC, took a cruise and
carried the magazine off the island of Bimini in the Bahamas.
Roy McMullin, a member of Dixie EC from Montgomery, traveled to the Mark and Kirche Cathedral in Weisbaden, Germany.
John and Sue Lide, members of Pioneer EC and Baldwin EMC, went on a cruise to Nova Scotia and Port Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island with their copy.
South Alabama EC member Pam Pearlstein traveled to Paris with her husband, Dr. Todd Pearlstein. This photo was taken on the steps of the  Basilica Sacre-Coeur du Montmartre.
Kathryn Tipton of Ariton, a member of South Alabama EC, took her magazine to  
Manaus, Brazil.


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