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Alabama Cotton

Alabama Living Magazine
Cotton fields close to home. SUBMITTED by Brandi Carter, Ariton.
Owen Sanders in the cotton field. SUBMITTED by Barbara Sanders, Banks.
Pops (James Roth) and grandson Jack at Southern Snow Farm. SUBMITTED by Cathy Roth, Elba.
These are cotton fields and plants at various stages of growth. At full growth, white as snow. SUBMITTED by Dale Rice, Roanoke.
Two of our grandsons, Brooks Hixon and Hixon Jordan, who are 27 days apart in age, in one of our cotton fields. SUBMITTED by Laura Hixon, Banks.
Walter and Christine Brooks enjoyed walking out into the field to remember years gone by when they planted and picked cotton to support our family. Photo taken a couple of years before Alzheimer’s disease took my mother’s life. SUBMITTED by Norma Hulgan, Valley Head.


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