Alabama Living magazine won several awards in the recent national competition of the Cooperative Communicators Association, including top honors in the publications category. The awards were announced at the organization’s annual institute in Des Moines, Iowa.
The magazine’s Communications Department took first place in the category of Member Publications, annual budget over $800,001. The magazine, which consists of 22 separate editions tailored for each electric cooperative, is published monthly as a service to members of those cooperatives.
“The issues were a terrific blend of news, features, and service pieces that engage the readers and meet the stated objectives,” the judges said in their comments. “This is a publication that understands and serves its readers very well.”

Writer Emmett Burnett won two awards: a first place in the Entertaining Feature category for “Jellyfish: an aquatic dinosaur that lives on in our oceans,” which ran in the July 2023 issue; and second place in the same category for “Let’s play (pickle) ball,” in February 2023. The pickleball cover from February 2023, featuring a photograph by Julie Bennett of Opelika Pickleball Club President Jim Young on the court, and designed by Creative Director Mark Stephenson, won third place in the Cover category.
The CCA is a national organization of 350 cooperative communicators who work for various cooperative businesses, such as agriculture, electric and service, from the United States, England and Canada.
Whereville, AL

Identify and place this Alabama landmark and you could win $25! Winner is chosen at random from all correct entries. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. Send your answer with your name, address and the name of your rural electric cooperative, if applicable. The winner and answer will be announced in the August issue.
Submit by email: [email protected], or by mail: Whereville, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124.
Contribute a photo you took for an upcoming issue! Send a photo of an interesting or unusual landmark in Alabama, which must be accessible to the public. A reader whose photo is chosen will also win $25.

June’s answer: This pretty little chapel at 419 First Ave. SE in Cullman is the Hubert Richter Chapel, built in memory of one of Cullman’s beloved residents. The chapel is open 24 hours a day for those seeking a place of solace and reflection, and is a popular site for small, intimate weddings. It was built in October 1989 with the generous donations of Richter’s friends, family and business associates. (Photo by Allison Law of Alabama Living) The randomly drawn correct guess winner is Emily Margaret Hinson of Cullman EC.