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Best Buds

Alabama Living Magazine
Rachel and Papaw, Lewis Karr. Best buds since 1984. SUBMITTED by Rachel Brimer, Killen.
Kaleb and Campbell, best buds since first grade. (Now seniors at Wetumpka High). SUBMITTED by Kelly Roberts, Wetumpka.
Baseball with best buds Avery, Shep and Brantley. SUBMITTED by Brooke Mills, Prattville.
Walt Hardman is learning gun safety with his first Red Ryder BB gun from his “Best Bud” and granddad Lance Boyd. SUBMITTED by Lance Boyd, Cullman.
Mookie (cat) and Melee (dog). SUBMITTED by Jackie Carr, Woodland.
My daughter snapped this photo of me and my dog, Butterscotch, watching my brother-in-law harvest the wheat. SUBMITTED by John Mark Waynick, Danville.


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