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Bringing power to Guatemala

Alabama Living Magazine

Volunteer crews from three Alabama cooperatives braved heat and rough terrain this spring to bring electricity to an unserved area near Jalapa, Guatemala.  Crews from Central Alabama Electric Cooperative, Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative and Covington Electric Cooperative worked on the project through NRECA International. The linemen, along with volunteer crews from Middle Tennessee Electric of Murfreesboro,  built primary and secondary line, installed transformers and did service drops for the homes, where they also did basic internal wiring.  In top photo, Josh Till and Hunter Sparks from Covington Electric Cooperative, Inc., made a new friend in the area of Las Penas. At right, a lineman prepares the internal wiring for one of the homes to receive electricity. The project was coordinated by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association International, which has worked to electrify unserved areas around the world for more than 50 years.


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