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Electric cooperatives recognize several with awards

Alabama Living Magazine

The Alabama Rural Electric Association of Cooperatives, which publishes Alabama Living, presented several awards at its 77th Annual Meeting in April. AREA Board Chairman Vince Johnson and President and CEO Karl Rayborn were on hand to present the awards.

Charles “Ed” Short, longtime manager at Covington EC, received the Eminent Service Award for his outstanding contributions to the rural electrification program at the state, regional and national level.
Tom Stackhouse, president and CEO at Central Alabama EC for nearly 27 years, was given the Ted Jackson Pathfinder Award, bestowed on a person whose life has had a profound and lasting effect on the foundations of the rural electrification program in Alabama or the nation.
Patsy Holmes, who served on the Central Alabama EC board for 30 years, was given the Chairman’s Award for extraordinary service on behalf of Alabama’s cooperatives.
Kathy Holcomb accepted the Bill Nichols award, given for going beyond the normal call of duty to further the principles and progress of rural electrification, on behalf of her late husband, Lavaughn Holcomb, member of the board at Marshall-Dekalb EC and the AREA board for many years.
William Selby, assistant manager at North Alabama EC, was given the Jack Jenkins Award for his dedication to seeing that high-speed internet service was brought to some 7,000 unserved or underserved members in North Alabama.
Southern Pine Manager Vince Johnson, left, was proud to present the second Chairman’s Award to employees John Paul, Darlene Chavers, Ben Crane and Jimmy Wilson for their quick action which saved the life of a coworker, Devin Collins, when a power line fell on his truck 2023.
The Alabama Media Excellence Award was given to WTVY of Dothan, accepted by General Manager Valerie Russell, for their down-to-earth but professional approach in covering co-op and electric utility issues in the Wiregrass.
The Alabama Media Excellence Award was also given to Alabama Public Television, accepted by Government Affairs Director Jack Williams and Deputy Director Melissa Austin, for their support and recognition of cooperatives during the Alabama High School Athletic Association football and basketball championship playoffs broadcast on APT.


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