Alabama’s electric utility linemen are on the front lines of our state’s energy needs and are the first responders of the electric utility family. They willingly leave their families in the middle of the night and put their lives on the line each day to keep our power on, safely and reliably.
Alabama will honor its linemen with a ceremony June 3, hosted by Opelika Power Services and coordinated by the Energy Institute of Alabama, which works to build public support for Alabama’s energy industry. Alabama’s rural electric cooperatives and Alabama Power Company will also contribute toward this effort.
Many utilities around the country recognize their linemen in April. In Alabama, the Legislature passed a formal resolution in 2014 designating the first Monday in June as Lineman Appreciation Day, ensuring that linemen are formally recognized in our state every year.
So on June 3, slow down for the familiar bucket trucks on our roadways and stop to say “thank you” for all they do to keep the lights on for all of us.