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January Spotlight

Alabama Living Magazine

Learn more about EVs with Drive Electric Alabama

Gov. Kay Ivey introduces the Drive Electric Alabama initiative at an event in Birmingham. Photo courtesy Hal Yeager/Governor’s Office

Drive Electric Alabama is the state’s electric vehicle education and marketing program, which was officially launched Nov. 29.

The program is designed to raise awareness and advocate for the eventual adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Alabama by engaging and educating residents about the benefits of EVs, both in their everyday lives and the state’s economic future.

The initial marketing campaign, known as “Electric Gets You There,” stresses the cost savings associated with EVs as well as their functionality. The campaign will include TV, radio and digital advertising, as well as billboards and events aimed at increasing Alabamians’ awareness surrounding EV technology, affordability, charging and other topics.

The initiative is headed by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA). For more, visit

‘Travels with Darley’ tours Alabama civil rights sites

Alabama will be in the media spotlight in the PBS TV series “Travels with Darley,” which takes viewers around the world with six-time Emmy Award-nominated host Darley Newman. Using locals as guides, she helps viewers experience culture, cuisine, history and outdoor adventure. 

Darley’s tour of Alabama highlights civil rights sites in Birmingham, Selma, and Montgomery as well as local food destinations in each of the cities. Darley interviewed foot soldiers, museum directors and executive chefs during her visit. The Alabama Tourism Department helped coordinate a production team from the show when they visited Alabama in 2021. 

The Alabama Civil Rights Trail episode will premiere this winter and will be the series premiere for the ninth season of “Travels with Darley.” Visit

Whereville, Alabama

Identify and place this Alabama landmark and you could win $25! The winner is chosen at random from all correct entries. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. Send your answer by Jan. 10 with your name, address and the name of your rural electric cooperative. The winner and answer will be announced in the February issue.

Submit by email: [email protected], or by mail: Whereville, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124.

Do you like finding interesting or unusual landmarks? Contribute a photo you took for an upcoming issue! Remember, all readers whose photos are chosen also win $25!

December’s answer: This “iron man” was one of many metal clones commissioned around the 1920s by a Bessemer pharmacist to sell his liver tonic, VegaCal. Of all the other “iron man” statues, this one in Morgan County, at the intersection of Ironman Road and Highway 36 west of Hartselle, is believed to be the lone survivor. (Photo contributed by Jim Plott of Prattville, Ala.) The randomly drawn correct guess winner is Paul Daniel Carroll of Joe Wheeler EMC. (Due to the late arrival of some magazines, we extended the December deadline for responses.)


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