Auburn student interns for Alabama Living

Jack West, a senior at Auburn University, is working this summer as an intern with Alabama Living. West, a native of Madison, is studying journalism and history and is the editor-in-chief of The Auburn Plainsman, the award-winning campus newspaper. West will assist the magazine staff by writing a variety of stories on topics of statewide interest.
As the editor-in-chief at the Plainsman, West oversees all content and business decisions for the paper, but his passion lies with finding and telling stories about people doing essential jobs that too often go unseen. Last summer, he interned at The Elba Clipper, a weekly newspaper in Elba, as a part of Auburn’s Living Democracy Program. There he covered everything from the City Council to car crashes and from Fourth of July celebrations to summer band practices. Aside from writing, he enjoys reading short stories, gardening, and watching cooking videos.
“This summer is certainly going to be unique,” says West, “and I am excited that I get to work and tell stories for Alabama Living. Reporting and storytelling has to go on during this pandemic, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to get experience in working under these circumstances.”

We might have hidden the June dingbat, a striped bowtie, in a place that was tricky to find, judging from the number of entries we received. But nearly 500 of you (including one of our young- est readers, eight-year-old Amelia Moon of Wetumpka) guessed correctly that it was on Page 20, decorating the side of a barn in a photo of the “Glory Train” in Arab.
Several readers wrote poems to announce their findings, including Franklin EC member Randi McMickin of Russellville, who decorated the cat on her St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital notepaper with a cut-out of the tie.
Father’s Day was nearing
As I began fearing,
I would not find that special tie.
I went to the barn to feed,
So hot I thought I would die,
I know my daily deed.
As I opened the doors to the barn, I thought.. I’ll be darned,
There’s the dingbat,
You know, from Alabama Living. My dad regifted it to the cat,
He’s always been so giving,
If I win, don’t mean to be rude,
I will regift it to St. Jude.
Sorry you didn’t win, Randi, but maybe next time! Congratulations to our winner, Lindia Jenkins of Vinemont, a member of Cullman EC, whose name was drawn from the correct entries.
This month, we’re in a patriotic mood for the 4th of July, so look for a red, white and blue burst of fireworks in these pages! Deadline for entries is July 8.
By email: [email protected]
By mail: Find the Dingbat Alabama Living, P.O. Box 244014 Montgomery, AL 36124
Prevent illnesses caused by tick and mosquito bites
The summer months and social distancing practices mean more time spent outdoors and having fun in the sun for the entire family, but warmer months also bring unwanted visitors – ticks and mosquitoes. While most people think of ticks and mosquitoes as being only a nuisance, they can also transmit diseases.
West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis and Zika virus are diseases that mosquitoes can carry while Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are tickborne diseases that pose a threat to Alabama residents.
The Alabama Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer the following recommendations:
- Use insect repellents with ingredients registered by the Environmental Protection Agency such as DEET, Picaridin and oil of lemon eucalyptus.
- Always follow instructions when applying insect repellent to children and do not use repellents on babies younger than 2 months or oil of lemon eucalyptus on children under 3 years old.
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants and use permethrin to treat clothing and gear.
- Make sure window screens are in good repair.
- Conduct a yard inspection and tip or toss anything that holds water to reduce mosquito breeding. Fill holes and depressions in your yard where water tends to collect andrepair leaky pipes and faucets.
- Walk in the center of trails and conduct a tick check uponreturning indoors.
- Remove ticks immediately and correctly. Visit to learn how to safely remove ticks.
Letters to the editor

Hogs need humane treatment
I agree that having these hogs invading one’s property would be a big problem. The problem I had with this is the part about the dogs used to hunt them and how the dogs were allowed to torture them after they were corralled. This should not happen; if they are a problem they should be killed in a humane manner. We have enough torture of animals in this world without any promotion. These animals are in the wild because of mismanagement of someone. Don’t take it out on the animal.
David Moore Cullman
Enjoyed Hardy Jackson column
I always look forward to receiving my Alabama Living magazine and enjoy your stories and now I know why: I believe you and “Cousin Kathryn” are more closely related than you put on – ha! You have a folksy, easy style – as she did – that draws people in and it makes for a pleasure to read. I have a copy ofCommon Threads that she wrote with Chip Cooper doing the photographs, and it’s one of my “Southern” favorites!
Keep writing, and I’ll keep reading!
Debbie Cochran Daphne
We want to hear from you!
E-mail us at: [email protected]
Write us at: Letter to the editor, P.O. Box 244014 Montgomery, AL 36124
Don’t forget to vote in July 14 runoff election

After the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in March, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey announced the postponement of the March 31 runoff election to July 14.
On the ballot are the runoff elections for U.S. Senator, between Republicans Jeff Sessions and Tommy Tuberville; U.S. Representative, District 1, between Republicans Jerry Carl and Bill Hightower, and Democrats James Averhart and Kiani Gardner; and U.S. Representative, District 2, between Republicans Jeff Coleman and Barry Moore. There also local runoffs in some Alabama counties.
Download an absentee ballot application from, or call the Secretary of State’s office at 334-242-7210. You also may request an application from your county absentee election manager, who is often the circuit clerk. The general election remains scheduled for Nov. 3.

Identify and place this Alabama landmark and you could win $25! Winner is chosen at random from all correct entries. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. Send your answer by July 8 with your name, address and the name of your rural electric cooperative. The winner and answer will be announced in the August issue.
Submit by email: [email protected]
Submit by mail: Whereville, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124.
Contribute your own photo for an upcoming issue! Send a photo of an interesting or unusual landmark in Alabama, which must be accessible to the public. A reader whose photo is chosen will also win $25.
June’s answer

This little chapel in Clayhatchee, Ala., served as the sanctuary for Providence Baptist Church for many years. In 2010, the Old Providence Foundation was created to preserve and maintain the building as a venue for weddings and other celebrations. All donations and usage fees go to support the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the venue. Learn more at (Photo submitted by Christine Childree of Pea River EC) The randomly drawn correct guess winner is Jessie White of Pea River EC.
Take us along!
Thanks to all our readers who’ve sent us photos of their travels. We realize due to the pandemic, no one’s doing much traveling these days due to the statewide “safer at home” orders, but we enjoy seeing your pictures from past travels. We’re including several on this page. If you have any past photos send them to [email protected].
We also want to see where you’re reading Alabama Living at home! Send us photos of you or a family member reading the magazine in your favorite home location. Send to [email protected].
We’ll draw a winner for a $25 prize each month, so let us hear from you!
Winner | Lisa Peasant, Dixie EC

Lisa Peasant of Montgomery, a member of Dixie EC, traveled in March with not one, but two magazines on an Evangel Church mission trip to Sucua, Ecuador.
Robert and Chery Williams of Elberta took their magazine to Sydney, Australia. They are members of Baldwin EMC. Earlier this year, Lonnie’s wife, Candi Wynn Phillips, took her copy along on their honeymoon to Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Orlando. They are members of Baldwin EMC. At home: Lonnie Phillips took time to do some reading after lighting the grill at his home in Barnwell. Social distancing at its best in the backyard! Drew Thompson of Baldwin EMC went almost “out of this world” with his copy, when he traveled to Mars, Pennsylvania, where he visited the town’s flying saucer sculpture. Sand Mountain EC member Sarah Blalock of Mentone and her mother, Sharron Hatfield, took some good reading material when they traveled to Five Oaks Farm in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.