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June Snapshots

Alabama Living Magazine

William Diamond, Reagan Diamond, Ashleigh Lane, Riley Lane, Kyleigh Lane, Camden Lane and Carson Diamond.
SUBMITTED BY Stacey Diamond, Grady.
Rusty Rush and Leah Bishop at Playa del Carmen, March 22, 2020. SUBMITTED by Leah Bishop, Arab.

Emma enjoying a pool day. SUBMITTED by Nicole Dunn, Clayton.
My granddaughter, Kady. SUBMITTED by Sandra Kiplinger, Union Grove.
Our grandchildren AnnaBeth Aaron, Grayson Aaron, Liam Mixon, and Ansley Mixon on vacation in Orange Beach. SUBMITTED by Stanley and Laura Diane Aaron, Bay Minette.
Socz loves lying on her float and hanging at the pool. SUBMITTED BY Cyndee Helms, Deatsville.


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