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Laughing through tough times

Alabama Living Magazine

By Hardy Jackson

Illustration by Dennis Auth

Now, I am not gonna make light of the coronavirus pandemic.

It is bad, disruptive, and for many, tragic.

However, I think it is worth noting that despite the seriousness of what is taking place, we continue to find ways to laugh in the face of the virus and make the best of a bad situation.   

For example, some folks discover things that under normal circumstances slipped under their radar.

   Just the other day the story reached me that a man who was confined to his home with no sports on TV, found that there was a woman living with him.  Not only that, she cooked, cleaned, and took care of the children.  

“She is really nice,” he told his friends.  “Who knew?”

Meanwhile, a group called the Pentecostal Pew posted that “the Rapture has taken place and we all missed it. TP shelves are empty because ‘the Roll’s Been Called Up Yonder’.”  

The site also noted that though many churches were holding services on-line, some members still won’t be on time because “the traffic was bad.”  I’ll bet the late Jerry Clower, Baptist layman and country comedian, is right now up in Glory collecting stories for the next time he entertains the Saints assembled.       

To the delight of the Labrador retrievers that live with us, the World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot get or spread the virus.  Therefore, it recommended that all the dogs held in quarantine should be released.  Or as the headline should have read, “WHO let the dogs out.”

(Sorry, I just couldn’t help it.)

Naturally the internet is full of all sorts of ways to keep Corona at bay, none approved by the FDA – credit cards accepted. 

As for those of you who are concerned about the kids banished from their schools, stuck at home watching TV.  Don’t worry.

As one teacher advised parents, put the TV on “mute,” turn on the subtitles and guess what?

They’ll be reading.

Meanwhile, from those parents who have themselves become teachers, I understand that as a result of the rise of at-home-instruction, prayer and spankings are back in school.

All is not lost.


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