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Made-in-Alabama film released

Alabama Living Magazine

Alabama filmmaker Renee Williams is celebrating the recent national release of her first feature film “Traces of Indignity,” produced by ClassA Entertainment. Talent from across Alabama and the Southeast can be seen in the direct-to-video film, which was shot almost entirely in Montgomery.

“My goal as a writer, producer, and director working in the Southeast is to not only touch lives, but change lives,” Williams says. “The Southeast has become a growing mecca for entertainment and I’m just here doing my part.”

The film’s protagonist is an accomplished author and public speaker who has achieved fame and fortune in her career. She and her family fall victim to stalking and media backlash that leads her to unveil her secretive past through a number of twists and turns.

“’Traces of Indignity’ follows a wealthy African-American character whose focus is not only to entertain the masses, but to uplift and inspire others as well,” Williams says. “But she is not without her own faults and indiscretions.”

In her feature film debut, Weber is played by actress Kris Lloyd of Montgomery, who served as the film’s lead and its executive producer. Also featured is actress Michelle Sanford from Auburn, who plays story-hungry journalist Ruby Sayers, and actress Jessica Osborn from Prattville, in the role of Dr. Weber’s publicist, Sonya. “Traces of Indignity” is available at Wal-Mart or Amazon.


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