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Montgomery Youth Tour 2016

Alabama Living Magazine


More than 150 high school juniors flooded downtown Montgomery March 15-17 for The Electric Cooperatives of Alabama Montgomery Youth Tour. Sponsored by your local cooperative and the Alabama Rural Electric Association, Montgomery Youth Tour is part of a grassroots program to educate high school juniors on electric cooperatives, cooperative ideas and various aspects of state government.

Representing 19 electric cooperatives from all over Alabama, the students had the opportunity to take part in many different activities and become more familiar with the history of their Capitol City. While in Montgomery, they had the opportunity to visit the state Capitol, the Civil Rights Memorial, Dexter Avenue King Memorial Church and the Alabama Voices exhibit housed at the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

YT_thumb_IMG_0239_1024Their evenings were spent getting to know fellow representatives from other cooperatives. From cosmic bowling to a dinner dance and photo booth, students were able to spend time getting to know one another. Students also spent time doing team-building activities with other cooperatives. Speaker Cea Cohen-Elliott challenged the students to think outside of the box through various activities and encouraged them to make a difference in their communities through her inspired sessions.

The Youth Tour delegation had an opportunity to meet with state legislators during a meet and greet at the State House. Twenty-five legislators were able to attend and offered insight to the students on the political process and current issues and took time to answer questions.

Forty-seven of the Montgomery Youth Tour students will have the opportunity to attend the Washington D.C. Youth Tour June 10-16. Alabama students will join more than 1,600 students from all across the country for the Rural Electric Youth Tour, sponsored by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Students will have the opportunity to visit many of the historic and tourist destinations while in D.C.

For more information about Alabama Youth Tours, contact your local electric cooperative or Laura Stewart, Youth Tour Director at [email protected].


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