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November Spotlight

Alabama Living Magazine

North Alabama Mural Trail highlights public art works

Oneonta alley murals.

The new North Alabama Mural Trail features more than 125 works of public art in the 16 northernmost counties in Alabama. The trail will allow visitors and residents alike to travel across the region to view street art paintings that help explain the history and heritage of the cities and communities in the area. 

To access the self-guided tour, download the mobile passport at Upon registering, the passport will be delivered to the registrant’s mobile phone via text and email and is ready for immediate use. There is no app to download. 

The Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association, which launched the trail, encourages visitors to have their phones ready to take photos and tag #NorthALMurals in selfies and pictures on social media. When visiting a mural location, simply check in using the mobile phone’s GPS to record each visit. Visit for more information.

Mark Stephenson and Allison Law.

‘Alabama Living’ wins several national awards

Several members of the Alabama Living team were recognized recently for their good work in 2020. The Statewide Editors Association’s annual Willies Awards highlight the best stories, columns, photographs and covers produced by magazines across the nation, which serve the members of their state’s rural electric cooperatives.

Mark Stephenson, Alabama Living’s creative director, won the top award in the Best Photo category for his striking June 2020 cover photo of a sunflower and butterfly. Stephenson and photographer Jeff Rease won an Award of Merit for Best Cover for their collaboration on the November 2020 cover photo of a World War II veteran.

Columnist Hardy Jackson won the Willie Award for his column, “Appreciating veterans, and anchovies,” from the November 2020 issue. And managing editor Allison Law tied for an Award of Merit for her September 2020 personality profile of Facebook sensation Brenda Gantt.

Immerse yourself in the world of Van Gogh

“Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience” is a unique multimedia experience that takes the viewer on a journey through more than 300 iconic artworks of the renowned Dutch painter, including the recognizable classics “The Starry Night,” “Sunflowers” and “Café Terrace at Night.” And this month, it will make its debut at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex.

Set to a symphonic score and using the artist’s own dreams, thoughts and words, Vincent Van Gogh’s art comes to life by appearing and disappearing, flowing across multiple surfaces and heightening the senses with their immense detail. Guests will leave with a new appreciation of the prolific artist’s stunning work. The visit takes about one hour, and COVID protocols will be in place.

Learn more about the exhibit and purchase tickets at

Whereville, AL

Identify and place this Alabama landmark and you could win $25! Winner is chosen at random from all correct entries. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. Send your answer by Nov. 8 with your name, address and the name of your rural electric cooperative. The winner and answer will be announced in the December issue.

Submit by email: [email protected], or by mail: Whereville, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124.

Do you like finding interesting or unusual landmarks? Contribute your own photo for an upcoming issue! Remember, all readers whose photos are chosen also win $25!

October’s answer: This map of the U.S. in stones is located on Worth Street, one block west of U.S. Highway 431 across from the Historic Post Office in Guntersville in Marshall County. It has been fenced to prevent destruction; however, it can be viewed from the sidewalk or the street on Worth Street. (Photo submitted by Susan Lynn Allen of North Alabama EC.) The randomly drawn correct guess winner is Angie Wolford of North Alabama EC. (Due to the delay in delivery of some magazines, we extended the deadline for guesses through Oct. 11.)


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