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October Spotlight

Alabama Living Magazine

Alabama cooperatives assist sister co-ops in Louisiana

The storm-weary Louisiana coastal areas took yet another punch with Hurricane Ida, a category 4 Atlantic hurricane that made landfall Aug. 29 with winds up to 150 mph.

 After the storm moved inland, the Alabama Rural Electric Association (AREA) started coordinating crews from Alabama co-ops who could send mutual aid. Alabama co-ops sent more than 100 employees, including linemen, right-of-way and safety personnel to Washington-St. Tammany EC in Franklinton, La. Ida left 98.4% of its meters without power, snapped or brought down 500 poles, and damaged more than 5,100 miles of line.

Central Alabama EC, Clarke-Washington EMC, Covington EC, Marshall-DeKalb EC, Pea River EC, Pioneer EC, South Alabama EC, Southern Pine EC, Tallapoosa River EC and Wiregrass EC sent crews and materials to Franklinton, and AREA provided safety staff to help keep the crews safe.

 Joe Wheeler EMC sent help to the South Louisiana Electric Cooperative Association (SLECA), based in Houma, La., and Baldwin EMC, Pea River EC and Wiregrass EC sent help to DEMCO, a co-op outside of Baton Rouge, La.

 “Morale of the linemen is at a high, because they know they are there to help the residents of these devastated areas,” says AREA safety specialist Jeff Whatley, who spent several days in Louisiana. “This is what they love to do and what they truly enjoy being a part of.

 “The residents are so gracious and appreciative of the work the linemen are doing for their communities.”

Aim for mindful, not mindless, eating

How many times do you sit down with a snack in front of the television, computer, or phone? Before you know it, an entire snack has been consumed without even thinking or really tasting the food. That is how easy mindless eating can happen. 

Here are a few tips to help on a mindful eating journey, courtesy of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System:

  • Remove all distractions while eating. Focus on your food and the company around you.
  • Slow down, don’t rush through the meal. Make sure to set aside at least 20 minutes to eat a meal.
  • Take time to focus on different flavors and textures of food. Focus your thoughts on the quality of the food versus quantity.
  • Listen to your body for hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.
  • Choose foods that fuel your body. Take the emphasis off of what you can or can’t eat and focus on supplying your body with a variety of foods.

Whereville, AL

Identify and place this Alabama landmark and you could win $25! Winner is chosen at random from all correct entries. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. Send your answer by Oct. 8 with your name, address and the name of your rural electric cooperative. The winner and answer will be announced in the November issue.

Submit by email: [email protected], or by mail: Whereville, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124.

Do you like finding interesting or unusual landmarks? Contribute your own photo for an upcoming issue! Remember, all readers whose photos are chosen also win $25!

September’s answer: This small Gothic Revival style church is St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church at Gallion, Alabama, and is a frequent subject of artists and photographers. The church was built in 1853-1854. The design of St. Andrew’s is attributed to Richard Upjohn, the prominent New York architect. The church was added to the National Register of Historic Places on Nov. 7, 1973 and declared a National Historic Landmark the same day. (Photo and information courtesy of The randomly drawn correct guess winner is Vivian Rawlings of Clarke-Washington EMC.


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