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Social Security: Q&A

Alabama Living Magazine

Over the next two issues, I would like to share with you some common Social Security questions I receive on a variety of topics and my answers.

Question: My child, who gets Social Security, will be attending his last year of high school in the fall. He turns 19 in a few months. Do I need to fill out a form for his benefits to continue?

Answer: Yes. You should receive a form, SSA-1372-BK, in the mail about three months before your son’s birthday. Your son needs to complete the form and take it to his school’s office for certification. Then, you need to return page two and the certified page three back to Social Security for processing. If you can’t find the form we mailed to you, you can find it online at:

Question: I’m trying to figure out how much I need to save for my retirement. Does the government offer any help with financial education?

Answer: Yes. For starters, you may want to find out what you can expect from Social Security with a visit to Social Security’s Retirement Estimator at The Financial Literacy and Education Commission has a website that can help you with the basics of financial education: Finally, you’ll want to check out the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which offers educational information on a number of financial matters, including mortgages, credit cards, retirement, and other big decisions. Visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at

Kylle’ McKinney, SSA Public Affairs Specialist, can be reached by email at [email protected].


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