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Alabama Living Magazine

We’ve enjoyed seeing photos from our readers on their travels with Alabama Living! Please send us a photo of you with a copy of the magazine to: [email protected]. Be sure to include your name, hometown and electric cooperative, and the location of your photo. We’ll draw a winner for the $25 prize each month. Make sure your photo is clear, in focus and not in shadow. 

Larry and Kenneth Capps, retirees from Dixie EC, along with their wives, Sharon and Dianne, took Alabama Living with them on a 15-day cruise to Hawaii, including a stop at Rainbow Falls on the big island of Hawaii.
Judy Burnham of Baldwin EMC cruised the Fiordland National Park in New Zealand aboard the Majestic Princess.
Sherri Fancher traveled with her husband Martin to Oceanside, California, with their magazine. They are members of Dixie EC.
Dianne Glasgow, a member of Tombigbee EC, enjoyed the Ray Stevens CabaRay show in Nashville, Tennessee.
Randy and Pam Hurst of Butler took a two-week vacation out West, where a highlight was visiting Yellowstone National Park. The Hursts are members of Black Warrior EMC, where Randy retired after 36 years as a lineman, and Baldwin EMC, where the Hursts have a second home.
Gina Speziani of Coosa Valley EC traveled to Segovia, Spain for this photo in front of a Roman aqueduct that has been serving the town of Segovia for more than 2000 years.
Belinda Strickland and her daughter Brittany traveled to Spain last October for two weeks, and they took their Tallapoosa River Electric Cooperative version of the magazine with them to Granada. Belinda and her husband Jimmy have been members of TREC for many years.


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