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Take Us Along • December 2024

Alabama Living Magazine
Karen Still, a member of Baldwin EMC, shared her copy of Alabama Living with her favorite horse Moose on her visit to Lazy L Equestrian Ranch in Eagle, Idaho. 
Roland and Carolyn Hendon of Mentone traveled all the way to San Cristobal in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, where they saw giant tortoises and blue-footed boobies. Hendon is a member of the Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative Board of Directors and is vice-chair of the Alabama Rural Electric Association Board, which publishes Alabama Living.
Scott Nick of Oneonta, formerly of Central Alabama EC, dove way down to read his magazine. This photo was taken at San Pedro Island, Belize, at Ramones Dive Resort, sponsored by Southern Skin Dive Center.
Jim and Sandra Warren of Dothan, Wiregrass Electric Coop members, visited the Grand Canyon with their magazine.

Jeff and Jamie Sudduth along with Susan Gaither and Anita Gaither, members of Cullman EC from Moreland in Winston County, traveled to the U.S. Virgin Islands with their magazine.

Larry and Kenneth Capps, retirees from Dixie Electric, Union Springs and Montgomery, along with their wives, Sharon and Dianne, took Alabama Living with them on a 15-day cruise to Hawaii. The photo was taken at Rainbow Falls on the big island of Hawaii.

Paula and Bobby Pitre, members of Baldwin EMC, brought along their magazine to Bora Bora, an island in the South Pacific and part of the Society Islands of French Polynesia.  The photo was taken on a boat in the Bora Bora lagoon with Mount Otemanu (an extinct volcano) in the background. 

Neil Foust, a member of Cullman EC, took his copy along on a trip to Tokyo, Japan.


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