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Take us along! July 2024

Alabama Living Magazine

We’ve enjoyed seeing photos from our readers on their travels with Alabama Living! Please send us a photo of you with a copy of the magazine on your travels to: [email protected]. Be sure to include  your name, hometown and electric cooperative, and the location of your photo.We’ll draw a winner for the $25 prize each month.

Lisa Goggans of Cecil, a member of Dixie EC, was happy to take her magazine on a trip to Jerusalem.
Greg and Shari Kennemer, members of Baldwin EMC from Birmingham, took their copy along while attending a destination wedding in Costa Rica. They stayed at the Andez Papagayo Resort on the Papagayo Peninsula in the Northern Guanacaste Region. It was their second trip to Costa Rica and they wrote us “that both the country and people are wonderful.”
Paula Brickner of Lake Harding sent us this photo that illustrates how small our world really is. A group from Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida traveled to Scotland and gathered for a photo at their hotel in Glasgow.  Paula, a member of Tallapoosa River EC, learned there were other TREC members on the same trip, including LaFayette District Supervisor John Segrest. From left were Johnny Crouch of Seale, Judy Spires of Lake Harding, Paula, John Segrest , Claire Milligan, Rhonda Jackson and and Gil Milligan, all of Lake Harding.
Robert and Carol Houtz of Foley, members of Baldwin EMC, traveled to Marathon, Florida, where they visited the Sea Turtle Center.
Baldwin EMC members Linda and Lewis Gaston of Fairhope went to the Historic Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD, and also visited Mount Rushmore in Keystone.
Last fall, Suzy Shepherd and her husband Charles attended the Gatlinburg, Tenn., Craftsmen’s Fair. They are from Georgiana and are members of Pioneer EC.


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