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Take us along – March 2024

Alabama Living Magazine

We’ve enjoyed seeing photos from our readers on their travels with Alabama Living! Please send us a photo of you with a copy of the magazine on your travels to: [email protected]. Be sure to include your name, hometown and electric cooperative, and the location of your photo.We’ll draw a winner for the $25 prize each month. Make sure your photo is clear, in focus and not in shadow. 

Cory and Ashley Hayes of Phenix City traveled around Ireland and stood beside the Ha’Penny Bridge in Dublin. They are members of Tallapoosa River EC.
Sherri and Martin Fancher traveled to Oceanside, California, and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon walk on the pier. Members of Dixie EC, they live in Montgomery.
Marsha Edhegard of Ozark, a member of Pea River EC, took her magazine to the Queen Anne neighborhood at Kerry Park, Seattle, Washington. The Space Needle and downtown skyline in are in the background.
Avery, Norah, and Stella Barnes of Columbia and Pea River EC travelled to Point of View Alpaca Farm in Mount Sidney, Va. They were able to walk their own alpaca over a mile and get some good alpaca hugs!
William Auld Jr. was a long way from his home in Winn, Alabama, when he went golfing in Guam with his magazine. He is a member of Clarke-Washington EMC.


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