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Take us along May 2024

Alabama Living Magazine

We’ve enjoyed seeing photos from our readers on their travels with Alabama Living! Please send us a photo of you with a copy of the magazine on your travels to: [email protected]. Be sure to include  your name, hometown and electric cooperative, and the location of your photo. We’ll draw a winner for the $25 prize each month. Make sure your photo is clear, in focus and not in shadow. 

Jacob Bright of Arab, a member of Arab EC, visited Baxter State Park in Maine with Louis DiFrederico of Millinocket, ME.
Margaret Taylor from Bryant, a member of Sand Mountain EC, took her magazine on a vacation last year out west, visiting Glacier National Park in Montana and Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. “It was the best vacation and everyone should go see science at work in nature,” she says.
Carlene Thornton of Fort Mitchell, a member of Tallapoosa River EC, traveled to the Sonoran Desert in Scottsdale, Arizona. The McDowell Mountains can be seen in the background.
Shane and Jennifer Brown and Kevin and Alanna Twilley from Cullman, members of Cullman EC, have been friends since elementary school and love cruising together. They recently took an Eastern Caribbean cruise and brought Alabama Living out for a picture in Freeport, Bahamas.


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