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This Month in Alabama History: April 3, 1920

Alabama Living Magazine
Zelda Fitzgerald

Montgomery native Zelda Sayre married novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald in New York. Often the inspiration for characters and themes in her husband’s work, Zelda soon became a symbol of the free-wheeling “flapper” lifestyle and the Jazz Age. An author and artist in her own right, she produced more than two dozen short stories and articles and published her only novel, Save Me the Waltz, in 1932. Her artwork is often displayed at museums across the country. Zelda was inducted into the Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame in 1992 and her life is portrayed in the 2017 TV series “Z: The Beginning of Everything.”  For a brief period from October 1931 to February 1932, she and Scott lived in Montgomery, and their home in the Old Cloverdale neighborhood is today the Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum, the only museum in the world dedicated to the couple. 


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