Identify and place this Alabama landmark and you could win $25! Winner is chosen at random from all correct entries. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. Send your answer by July 7 with your name, address and the name of your rural electric cooperative. The winner and answer will be announced in the August issue.
Submit by email: [email protected], or by mail: Whereville, P.O. Box 244014, Montgomery, AL 36124.
Do you like finding interesting or unusual landmarks? Contribute your own photo for an upcoming issue! Remember, all readers whose photos are chosen also win $25!

June’s answer: The ruins of the old brick furnace at Brierfield Ironworks Historical State Park are fenced off but still visible. The furnace was built in 1862 by a group of men doing business as the Bibb County Iron Company, spurred by a desire to make money from the South’s need for iron for war materials. The works were idled from time to time over the next few decades, but by the end of the 1880s, the huge metal furnaces in Birmingham could far outproduce Brierfield. It was idled permanently in 1894. The park is open for events and visitors; learn more at BrierfieldIronworks.org (Photo contributed by Dennis Henley of Central Alabama EC). The randomly drawn correct guess winner is Donald Horne of Central Alabama EC.