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Alabama Living Magazine
One of my ancestors whittled this. All of it is one piece – no pieces of it are separate. SUBMITTED by Rhonda Mosley, Andalusia.
I’ve been wood carving for about 30 years.SUBMITTED by Jerry Cochran, Summerdale.
My Daddy made heart-shaped jewelry boxes out of cedar for every female in his family. SUBMITTED by Joyce Pickett, Fitzpatrick.
Stephan H. Scott made this boat from a pine tree that fell on our property after a storm and named the boat after his grandmother.SUBMITTED by Marilyn Scott, Elberta.
My husband loved to build things out of wood. He built houses, churches and trains. I’m so proud. SUBMITTED by Nyoka Chandler, Guntersville.
I made this for my grandson. My first time building a rocking horse.SUBMITTED by Ray Bell, Newville.
A friend of mine did this woodburning of my dog, Gypsy, from the included picture. SUBMITTED by Susie Burgess, Hartselle.


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