Packets will arrive in mid-March

It happens every 10 years, but state officials say this year’s census is the most important one in which Alabamians have participated. The results will determine if our state will lose billions in federal dollars for children, schools, health care, rural development programs and community programs important to rural areas, all of which are tied to census data.
“In my lifetime, this is the most important census year ever,” Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Director Kenneth Boswell told a pep rally at the State Capitol in January that kicked off the state’s 2020 Census.
Gov. Kay Ivey joined Boswell at the rally to encourage participation, reminding the audience of the stakes for 2020 – including $13 billion in federal funding, economic development and job opportunities and Congressional representation. Because of projected slow growth, Alabama could lose one of its seven seats in Congress, meaning one less voice for the state.
Beginning March 12, every Alabama household should receive a notification in the mail that it’s time to complete the 2020 Census. The form contains 10 simple questions about basic household information and will take about six minutes to complete.
The Census Bureau will never ask for Social Security numbers, bank or credit card account numbers, money or donations or anything on behalf of a political party. The information is private and will not be shared for any other purpose or with any other agency.

stake in the 2020 Census, including $13 billion in federal funding for Alabama.
Alabamians may complete the form in one of three ways:
• Online via computer or smart phone, or

• Calling a toll-free number and talking with a U.S. Census Bureau employee, or
• Calling a toll-free number and requesting a traditional paper form.
All households across the country will receive information about how to respond in 12 non-English languages online and by phone.
The state is working with community colleges, businesses, schools, churches, and other community groups to educate as many Alabamians as possible about the importance of the census. A number of resources to help you get the word out are available at If you are interested in applying for a temporary job to help with the census, go to