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Legislator will continue to advocate for cooperatives

Alabama Living Magazine

Session kicks off Feb. 4

By Todd Stacey

As the Alabama Legislature prepares to convene its  2025 session on Feb. 4, lawmakers will be dealing with a number of important issues without the benefit of a surplus in budgets, but legislative observers say there’s no need for concern.

“The budgets aren’t a problem by any means,” says Todd Stacy, founder and publisher of Alabama Daily News and host of Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal.” “It’s just that the days of overwhelming surpluses, fueled in part by federal spending trickling up through the tax base, are coming to an end. If anything it shows that the Legislature was wise to budget conservatively, setting aside funds when they could and not setting up long-term programs with one-time money.” 

The perennial issue of gambling, which failed last session, may come up again. “When it comes to gambling, there’s always a chance,” Stacy says. “My sense is the legislative leadership, especially in the House, has no desire to bring it up again after what happened last year. But, if somehow the disparate gambling factions that usually battle themselves can settle on a plan, it could see movement. I think it would have to start in the Senate.”

Another item that could spark discussion is the tax exemption on overtime pay, which expires in June. “Lawmakers are in a tough spot,” he says. “Everyone loves a tax cut and this one has been like a pay raise to a lot of wage earners. But it will also cost the state as much as $300 million annually in education funding. That’s real money. I see the Legislature re-upping the tax cut, but perhaps with some guardrails on revenue loss.”

Gov. Kay Ivey will present her State of the State Address on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 6 p.m. The speech will be aired live on Alabama Public Television. Stacy will once again have his nightly newscast on APT during the session, with the “Week in Review” airing on Fridays at 7:30  p.m.


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